Visualization Models

Texas Horned Lizard color from CAT scan x-ray

Texas horned lizard with false color using three different color attributes from x-ray CT. Research by Dr. Wendy Hodges and Reuben Reyes. 3D model and visualization by Reuben Reyes at The University of Texas ACES Visualization Laboratory. (Year 2003)

Macquarie Ridge complex bathymetry from side scanning sonar and earthquakes

Macquarie Ridge complex bathymetry from side scanning sonar with earthquake hypocenters below. Research by Dr. Tip Meckel and Reuben Reyes at the ACES Visualization Laboratory. 3D model and visualization by Reuben Reyes. (Year 2004)

Texas subsurface at 300 degrees Fahrenheit

Texas Subsurface at 300 degrees Fahrenheit from ~30,000 well logs. Research at Bureau of Economic Geology, GRIDS Research Group by Bruce Cutright, Harold Rogers, and Reuben Reyes. Isosurface and visualization by Reuben Reyes. (Year 2014)

Color probability map on Zacaton sinkhole from sonar

Probability map on surface of Zacaton sinkhole derived from DepthX sonar point cloud. Research by Dr. Marcus O. Gary and Reuben Reyes from The University of Texas at Austin. Visualization by Reuben Reyes. (Year 2009)

Lumpy Earth from GRACE gravity data

Lumpy Earth from GRACE data gravity field. Research at The University of Texas at Austin Center for Space Research by Dr. Byron D. Tapley. Concept and design of 3D model, and Visualization by Dossym Nurmukhanov and Reuben Reyes at the ACES Visualization Laboratory. (Year 2004)

LiDAR of Franklin Mountains

98 million LiDAR points with color (natural and hyperspectral) of the Franklin Mountains. Research at Bureau of Economic Geology Reservoir Characterization Research Laboratory by Dr. Jerome Bellian and Reuben Reyes. Point cloud processing, geometry/image fusion and visualization by Reuben Reyes. (Year 2009)

Austin Texas State Capitol LiDAR and geometry fusion

2012 Texas State Capitol Point Cloud aerial LiDAR and geometry fusion. Data collection by Aaron Averett and Kutalmis Saylam from the Near Surface Observatory at The University of Texas at Austin. LiDAR colorization, geometry fusion, and visualization by Reuben Reyes.(Year 2013)

Point cloud of Mars Hebes Chasma

Point cloud of Mars Hebes Chasma with natural color and elevation color ramp scale from NASA's Mars Global Surveyor and image from ESA/DLR/FU Berlin (G. Neukum). Research at Bureau of Economic Geology Applied Geodynamics Laboratory by Dr. Tim Dooley. Point cloud processing, geometry/image fusion and visualization by Reuben Reyes. (Year 2014)

Turbity currents velocity vectors

Time-averaged velocity vectors of a turbidity currents. Research conducted at The University of Texas at Austin Morphodynamics laboratory by Dr. Vishal Maharaj and Reuben Reyes. 3D model and visualization by Reuben Reyes. (Year 2012)

3D Wind Rose from wind profiler in Alaska

3D Wind Rose Diagram from a full year of weather data that came from a phased array radar wind profiler in Alaska. Research conducted at NOAA Radar Operations Center in Norman Oklahoma. Interactive 3D model and visualization by Reuben Reyes. (Year 2022)

Visualization of radar rainfall estimates across the entire state of Oklahoma (1995-2018)

Visualization of radar rainfall estimates across the entire state of Oklahoma was conducted using a comparative analysis of one-year time intervals from 1995 to 2018. The data utilized in this visualization was obtained from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). Research, programming, and 4D model by Reuben Reyes (Year 2019)

Visualization of earthquakes in South America

Above surface visualization representation of earthquakes along South America Pacific coast with indicators of subduction zone from color gradient from epicenters. Research by Dr. Jad R. Ziolkowska and Reuben Reyes (Year 2016)