BEG Main Conference Room Point Clouds

The following 3D images are 4 sections of the BEG main conference room, using WebGL to display LIDAR point cloud data.
To view, you'll need a WebGL-enabled browser. (Mozilla FireFox v4.0 or Google Chrome v10)
To zoom in or out use mouse wheel or the up and down arrow keys.
To change the point size use the right and left arrow keys.
Click on any of the 5 images to start a 3D point cloud viewer.


Front mid

Back mid


Full scan

Point Clouds courtesy of John Dolan from Maptek.
This was from a talk given at Bureau of Economic Geology.
Talk setup by Lindsay Olinde.
Point Cloud Visualization by Reuben Reyes.
Open Source software XB PointStream used for streaming/rendering and examples from Andor Salga.