Lumpy Earth

Author: Reuben Reyes
The Univerity of Texas at Austin
      To help better understand the environment and the changing earth the Center for Space Research put up two satellites under the GRACE project.   The satellites measured very small differences in the earth’s gravity.   CSR wanted to view the changes in 3D across the whole of the earth.   I was asked to produce a 3D model for CSR using the GRACE data.   At the time I had a very bright undergraduate Dossym Nurmukhanov working for me.   I decided to have Dossym help me with the 3D model.   We took raw data from CSR and outlined how we would make a 3D model of the earth.   We decided to use a color map most commonly used by USGS for gravity data.   We also decided to take the very small differences in gravity and to massively exaggerate them across the whole of the earth.   This was done so that the gravity could be easily seen and understood.   The result was a lumpy earth.   In addition we setup a program to easily add more detailed data as the GRACE satellites dumped more gravity over time.

More links about this resarch are below.

Featured Wide screen 3D rendering for Science Showcase at UT November 2003
Displayed at SC2004
3D model made avalable on the web 2004

Earth gravity from CSR data